Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Free drinks in dixie cups!

This Thursday at Preston's it's ladie's night, and it also happens to be bar review.
We've hit up every other seven corners bar for bar review, and most of us have certainly been to Preston's plenty of times (like you actually studied when class got cancelled) so it looks like it's time to actually go to Preston's for a bar review.

And really, we're not sure why this didn't happen a whole lot sooner. From ten pm till two in the morning ladies (and most likely guys in moderately convincing drag) drink whatever they want for free, as long as whatever they want is a well drink or cheap beer in a dixie cup.

Once again, go RSVP on facebook - you know you want to.

Can't go to bar review because you're too busy? That's absurd. You're legal writing research will already be turned in by then, and no one expects you to be coherent on Friday anyway.

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