Friday, October 3, 2008

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?

It seems that diagnosed mental illness, alcoholism, drug dependency, a horrible financial history, and even most felonies won't make one ineligible for the bar... but writing for Bar Review might.

Plus, putting it here on the interwebz is the worst possible idea because it's bound to be cached somewhere and be permanent.

However, since section B seem to find Dean Keyes to be even more scary than she is attractive, it seemed Bar Review was destined to die.

Permanent or not, we'll go ahead and step up by posting here on the blog to pick up Section B's slack. Although publication of this Bar Review Blog is totally "anonymous" any of us involved are perfectly willing to own up to it. Further, we agree with many of the criticisms of last year's Bar Review. While we most certainly will mock or satirize nearly everything- we also feel that there's no reason to denigrate others or be crude for no reason. Want to participate in the mocking? Please do- send potential posts to

So, add us to your feed readers and/or add us as a friend on facebook. We can't promise to actually be funny, but we can promise to let you know where folks are going to get drunk. And when it comes down to it, isn't that what Bar Review's all about- fostering greater alcohol dependence in future lawyers? Thank goodness being a boozehound won't be a character and fitness problem.

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